Issue contact phone
Volunteer as dance manager  sound person, or help in other ways  Pat (908)359-2642
Scheduling issues, updates, more info, weather-related cancellations Debbi (609)882-7733
Request a band slot Judy (609)865-8567
Request a caller spot Anne (908)359-2642
Make a donation Eric (609)964-8753
Receive email notice of dances;  Website issues;  
Become a LCD member! (It's free, and you will receive a monthly e-mail with a notice of events.) Send e-mail to the webmaster, using the "contact webmaster" link above. If that doesn't work: The webmaster's name can be found below. An internet search on his name will turn up his e-mail address.

music and steps from Playford
The Dancing Master, 1651-1728
Regency Dances, Bath, UK
Regency Dances, Bath
Concord English Country Dance
Concord, NH