The list is intended to include as many on-line ECD videos as can be found with the exception of those in which the images or music are substantially impaired, or the dance is displayed for less than 60 seconds. The quality of the dancing is generally not a factor as long as the dancers appear to be enjoying themselves. Where a particular dance has been uploaded repeatedly in the same context - for example, repeat performances by a dance troupe or favorite dances at successive annual balls, repetitive videos may be omitted. The  collection has been used largely by dancers as an aid to learning dances, by callers planning dance programs and musicians to see how  a dance works at different tempos.  Those videos that are likely to be the most useful for learning a dance are marked with an asterisk in the listing. More than one video may be noted for a particular dance, especially for variant interpretations or reconstructions.

When creating dance videos for instructional purposes, consider the suggestions in these CDSS News magazine articles: Skill-Building for Dance Promotion: How to Create Good Instructional Dance Videos and How To Shoot Good Dance Videos.   

To locate a dance video or animation  search either for videos by Title, Venue/Date, Collection (who posted it), Leader/Caller/Performance group, Musicians, or Choreographer, or you browse by dance name.  The header for each dance displays - when known – the choreographer and tune, dance formation, meter and key and a link a to- “Dance instruction” - (generally, choreography, sheet music. and/or descriptions of dance variation). 

(Note: material provided by OttawaECDClub's Dance instruction index wiki, and by CDSS (Bolton and Sheffield Collections), are, unless otherwise noted, subject to the Attribution-Non-commercial-ShareAlike license),

For each dance with multiple videos entries appear in the order of 1) Choreographer and then 2) the name of the person or entity posting the video. .

Dance animations, formerly displayed on a separate page, have been integrated into this list. (for a list of all animations, search venue/date for "animation").

This database now has links to 1555 separate dances, with a total of 5027 videos and 1114 animations. The last was added on 2025-03-25.

...but there are many English Country Dance videos that are missing! If you know of a video that you think should be included, please do reach out via the "Contact Us" link. If you fail to find a video here, you might look in some other lists, such as ...or just use your favorite search engine, with "< Name_of_the_Dance > English Country Dance".

(The search function will look for all items containing the exact substring entered. For instance, if you enter "belg" it will produce the links for Belgia Retriev'd. But if you enter "Belgia Retrieved" nothing will show up. Similarly, if you're looking for Wa' is me, what mun I do? and you enter "Wa is me", nothing will show up, but if you enter "mun i" you'll find the links you seek. Apostrophes can also cause problems. For instance, for some strange reason, entering "Belgia Retriev'd" works just fine, but entering "Retriev'd" yields nothing!)


Or Browse By Dance Name



Formation: Longways duple minor improper, or Sicilian Circle
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (1995) to Bonny Sweet Robin by Anthony Holborne (1597)


Formation: Triad formation. All proper
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2004) to The Old Man


Formation: Longways duple minor improper, or Sicilian Circle
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Trevor Monson (1997) to "The Butterfly", by Richard Smith & Maggie Fletcher


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ann Higley (1996) to tune by Colin Hume


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) by Robert Jamison and music (2022) by Dave Marcus


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651, including SCA reconstruction


Formation: Duple longways
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2018) tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005) to tune of the same name by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smukler (2017)


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski (1999)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Twenty four new Country Dances for the Year 1706; reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: LW triple or 3C set
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, circa 1700


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski (2009) to "Be Thou My Vision" (Irish Trad.)


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003) to Alta Vittoria, Frabitio Varuso


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner (2004) to Frank Palmer by Turlough O'Carolan


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to Siciliano by Georrg Philipp Telemann. Published in his book Antwerp Antics (2004)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford. 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Ashworth (1991)to Doves Figary


Formation: 3-couple longways
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Cécile Laye, 2015; Music is 1st part of a Purcell Triptych "Rois et Reines"


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to to "Let it Snow, Let it Snow" by Jule Styne, Copyright by Cahn Music


Formation: Circle mixer
Key: D mixolydian, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: American 1775-95


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson. Country Dances-8. 1753


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: D, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657. Parts 2&3 revised by Cecil Laye


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smuckler to "Kill Him With Kindness" (after 1726.) attributed to Henry Purc


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657, interp Cecil Sharpe (1911)


Formation: 4 couple set 3rd and 4th couple improper
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1974)


Formation: Sicilian with extra Couple
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1974)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2001), tune is "Country Dance" by Matthew Locke, 1700s.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and Music by Colin Hume (2006) , written for Amy Lund


Formation: Duple Minor Longways proper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: A Dance by Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 2011, music by Chris Sackett, 2006.


Formation: 3 Couple Longways Set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood December 2012 to Souffle d'Ange by Le Vent Du Nord


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Graham Christian (2001) to Streams of Lovely Nancy (trad)


Formation: Double circle
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2008) to a tune by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 2 couple circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Lise M. Dyckman (1997) to Pernod Waltz, Johnny Cunningham (1984)


Formation: LW duple
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1721, reconstructed by Fried Herman.


Formation: 5 couple circle
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2012) to Beaumont Rag, Trad


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson. Tune:Amid the Winter’s Snow (John Goss, 1871).


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2018) to Dancing Vivaldi (Double Violin Con. Op.3, No. 8 arranged by Van Kaynor}


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1702


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Compleat Country Dancing-Master [Book 1], London. J. Walsh, J. Hare, 1718, interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2009) to an 18th century tune, La Chasse d'Apollon


Formation: duple minor longways, improper
Key: G Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jacqui Grennan (2020); Tune is April Waltz by Selma Kaplan


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood April 2015


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: F, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1765


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: A & Bm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1991) to "Miss Sally Surman's Delight","Trip to Tedddington, and MIss Dolland's Delight


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anna Rain (2015) to The Huntsmans Chorus


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2022), to the tune Paddy Fahey’s Jig


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus, 2020; Tune is by James McNally


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Kermiet


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton (1986) to a tune by Pierre Phalese the Younger(1580)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to Goff Hall by Dan Lanier


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman to a tune by Pursell


Formation: 3-couple Longways
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (published in Impropriety Vol 1, 2002). Tune is Elocine, by Bo Leyden, 1999


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman 2009


Formation: Duble Longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs, 2017; : Love for Three Generations, by Clara Byom. Alternate: Shepherd’s Wife, traditional.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: Rutherford 1756 & Thompson 1757/ See 'dance instruction' above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gmajor, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Oakdenk Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to Saint Malo


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens published in the CDSS News, #175, Nov/Dec 2003 and in Antwerp Antics, June 2004. Tune is Red Star Line by Kathie Talvie


Formation: Longways Duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2015) to a tune by Rebecca King


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Lorreta Holz to Autumn Splendor by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw, 1962, to the tune Levi Jackson Rag


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2021) to Owen Morrison‘s waltz “Daybreak” (2009)


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1782


Formation: 4 couples longways
Key: C
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens interpretation from Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2023)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to "Malcom's Pies" by Eric Schedlers


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Meter: triple time
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Terry Glasspool (2017)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to Hint of Spring by Dave Wiesler


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: D mixolydian, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2010)


Formation: circle mixer
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett, tune by Dave Bartley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 2d Book of the Compleat Country Dancing Master 2a 1719. interpreted by Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh c.1735, interp. by Jacqueline Schwab; and a Heritage Musick variation


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford (1710); interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Three couple Round Set –Waltz
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1974)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Interpretation of Playford 1701 by A. Simon Kentish Hops


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master, 1713; reconstruction by Bernard Bentley 1962


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Bruce Rosen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Unknown. Possibly a Bath Fan dance circa 1780


Formation: Duple Improper
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray, London 1699


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1728


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smukler, June 2020/August 2023


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1777


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Patricia Evans


Formation: 4 couple square
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Hubert Collinet (1823)


Formation: Triple minor longways
Choreography/Music: Scottish country dance, modified by Annette Merritt into an English triple minor to Perpetual Motion


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Leslie Lassetter/ Come and Find the Quiet Center, trad.attrib to BF White.


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master,1728;reconstruction by Bernard Bentley(Fallibroome Collection)


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: Eminor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniel Kynaston 1711, interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel (2005) to the tune Baptist Johnson by Turlough O'Carolan


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton (1987) published in Occassions (1989)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D Major, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Mady Newfield to "Dawn" by Mara Shea


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: B flat major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to "One Card Short" by David Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1707


Formation: Double Sicilian Circle
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1970


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1721. reconstructions and Douglas and Helen Kennedy (1929) and by Charles Bolton (Retreads 1)


Formation: 2 Couple Longways Mixer
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly (2024)


Formation: 3 coupe longways
Key: A minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2012) to tune of the same name by lydia ievins


Formation: Longways duple minor, all proper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2005) to Colony Cove Waltz: by Charlene Thomson(2004) with a variation


Formation: Siciilian Circle
Key: G, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sacket (2009) tune by Jonathan Jensen, published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2000)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (1999) to Downland 557 by Pat Shaw


Formation: Square of Trios
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John M Ramsay, 1985 to "Air Jenny"


Formation: Longways triple minor
Choreography/Music: Slingee


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1971


Formation: Duple Minor Improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2012), to the tune Killarney Boys of Pleasure (Trad)


Formation: Duple minor longways - double progression. 1st couples improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: 3 couple set longways
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Wright's Compleat Collection Vol. I 1742; Andrew Shaw interpretation


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Bb, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniell Kynastan, publshed by by J Walsh (1710) as intererpreted by Andrew Shaw (2002)


Formation: Cicle all facing in
Meter: 32 Jig/Reel
Choreography/Music: Kathryn & David Wright (Vesey Collection 1990)


Formation: 3 couple circle
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2016) to Bingo Wings by Sarah Gowen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D dorian, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1994) to Dance (adapted) by George Vanbrughe (1713)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly/Chris Sackett (c 2011) to tune Flights of Fancy by Shira Kammen (2011), published in Impropriety Vol. I


Formation: Duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G/Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to a tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Ramsay to Birthday Canon by Pablo El Russo


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman 1999


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 9th Ed. 1695


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A/G minor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (2002) to The Witch Under the Stars (1995) and Black Cat Jig (1996) by Jonanthan Jenson


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1778; W.S. Porter, 1931


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowroski 2003 to tune by Chris Rua


Formation: Processional Double Circle, women on inside, all facing clockwise
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Millar, Elizabethan Country Dances


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 7th Ed. 1686 Farnicle Huggy (Andrew Shaw)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master, 1696-1728


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2005) to Islin's Jig by Ruth Anne Fraley (2004) published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: G Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1670


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657 and Cecil Sharp version. See 'Dance Istruction" above


Formation: Circle mixer
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett 2015. Tune is Ahi, Amours by Conon de Bethune (1150-1219)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718, interpretations/reconstructions by Fried de Metz Herman, Kalia Kliban


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniel Kynaston (1710)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Philip Shreckhise to music by Luigi Boccherini


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703, interpretation by Andrew Shaw (2009), and Walsh 1718


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G mixolydian , Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Susan & Tom Amesse. Music by Rachel Bell


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel (2005) tune by Debbie Jackson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A minor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to a traditional English tune All Among the Barley


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 and backwards


Formation: duple, longways, improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mike Richardson (7/26/99) to tune by Anita Anderson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: E minor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Val Medve (2014)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Page, 2013


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Sharon Spengler (2017), to a traditional tune. (See also a different dance: "Bonny at Morn", to the same tune.)


Formation: Couple facing couple
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: M. Heffer and W. Porter in Maggot Pie to "Magot Pie"


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston, to a traditional tune. (See also a different dance, "Bonnie at Morn", to the same tune.)


Formation: Longways Triple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Preston, 1800


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gail Ticknor to Si Beag Si Mhor by Turlough O'Carolan


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1713. Nathaniel Kynaston


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniel Kynaston, J. Wasch, L. Hare (1718), reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2009


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra; tune by Rachel Bell


Formation: 6 couple
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jean Butler


Formation: Circle
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: William Campbell(1790)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1679; Interp. Bernard Bentley 1980 (Fallibroome Vol. 6)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green to Good King Wenceslas


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson 1757


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cantelo, Twenty Four American Country Dances (London: 1785)


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Melanie Axel-Lute (2015) to Bransle de la Torche, Praetorius


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 9/8
Choreography/Music: Thomas Braye, 1699, and as reconstructed by Diana Cruickshank


Formation: LW duple improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett, tune by Dave Bartley 2009


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gmajor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume 2003, rev 2007


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green/ Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Robert Moir


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: unknown.


Formation: The videos show two very different dances; one is Triple minor longways, and the other is a duple minor longways
Key: A, Meter: 3/8
Choreography/Music: Wilson 1808 reconstruction by Eugenia Eremina-Solenikova


Formation: Circle of 3-5 couples
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2015) tune by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 4 couple set 1cu and 3cu improper
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1991) to Hubbub by Bryon Bonnett


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Dafydd Arth to The Rights of Man trad. Irish tune(choreogrphed for 3 couples, here adapted for 4 couples.)


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1696, and as reconstructed by Andrew Shaw. 2008


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Feuillet 1706


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: English Traditional


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, improper
Key: E Dorian, Meter: 9/8
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson to The Butterfly (Trad. Irish)


Formation: Four couples longways, 2 & 4 improper
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anne Welch (1995), to the tune “Bellows & Bows” by Fred Grimshaw


Formation: 4C LW 1C & 3C improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996)


Formation: Duple Minor Improper
Key: E minor, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, Sum Further Calculated Figures (1996)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master (1710), Bernard Bentley in The Fallibroome Collection, to a tune by Daniel Purcell.


Formation: Longways Triple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, 1816


Formation: Longways triple
Meter: 32 bar reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2007), tune by Jonathan Jensen(2004)


Formation: 3-couple set
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford (1696). Interpreted by Andrew Shaw (2006)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1701. Interp. by Andrew Shaw, 2024


Formation: Longways set for four couples, progressive
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Het Sneeker Klokspel’


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2010) to a tune by John Blow (1649-1708)


Formation: Circle mixer
Choreography/Music: Arduina Alonzo (2016) to 'Carousel' by Charlene Thomson (2005)


Formation: 2 couple circle , facing but farther away than usual
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston (2002) to Cast Away Waltz by Colin Hume 2003


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to Geoge Paul's "March of the Lost Boys"


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: James Longman, 1770


Formation: 3 couple set with 2nd couple active, waltz mixer
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1994) to a tune by O'Carolan


Formation: Longways set for four couples – Reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Cecilia’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: 3 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Rosemary Hunt, tune by Stephen Hunt


Formation: 4 couple longways square
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to a tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: E, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson to Fete de Village


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green/David Marcus


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)to Elizabethan Tango Man by Charlene E. Thomson


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2011), to the tune "Lucas Forever" (Johnson, 1750)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh (1730). Interpreted by Andrew Shaw (2024)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c. 1750


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657, 2 reconstructions by Cecil Sharp


Formation: Longways Triple Minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Miriam Newman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 11th ed 1701;Walsh 1718; Charles Bolton (retreads)


Formation: 3 couple set
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Trumbull, 1798


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DancingMaster 1651-1796; Cecil Sharp 1912


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: C Major, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)


Formation: Duple Minor longways. Double progression
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1971, Adapted by Pat Shaw from a traditional Essex song


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green(2014, rev 2015) to a tune of the same name by Rebecca King (2014)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701 with reconstructions by Cecil Sharp, Douglas Kennedy., The Jane Austen Society, Christine Feyeabend, and others. see'"Dance Instruction' above...


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett, 2018


Formation: Circle
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgbury


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 2009, to Shira Kammen's tune 72%, published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2008) to Top o' the Mornin' by Jonathan Jensen (2007), published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Square
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett to the tune "The Maid's Complaint"


Formation: Triple minor longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett to “The Goldfinch” by Paul Gitlitz (1999)t, published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dodd 24CD 1795


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1679; Cecil Sharp 1916


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Naomi Alexander


Formation: 3 couple longways set; top and bottom couples improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (1999)


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1992) to a tune by George Davis


Formation: Circle mixer
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman, to a bourrée by Leopold Mozart


Formation: 4 couple set
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: George Williams, 2019


Formation: Dupre monitor longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green


Formation: 3 couple longways set 2's improper
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2012)


Formation: 3 couple longways set & as LW duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701, reconstruction by Charles Bolton


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 7th Ed. 3d Supplement (1689)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2005) to a tune by O'Carolan


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2021); tune is Colemans’s March


Formation: Longways triple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Willcox 1793; Interp. van Winkle Keller & Sweet 1976


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: EDM Vol 2, 4th edition,1728. Cecil Sharp reconstruction 1916


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to Sarah's Waltz by Kristen Grahm


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson. Tune by Anna Patton


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Choreography/Music: Ralph Sweet


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 1727 (Interp. Tom Cook 1982)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: E(D), Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel to tune by Dave Wiesler(2009)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1776. see "Dance Instruction" above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D Dorian, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skorownski to Ronde II, Mon Amy by Tielman Susato


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Graham Foster 2010 / Roger Nicholls 2010


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Cm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: 2 trios facing
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 - 1698


Formation: Longways triple minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1726; Interp. Andrew Shaw. Tune by Mouret.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703, reconstructed by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski (2007) to 'Cool Breezes' by Leslie Lassiter (2007)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cathy and John Millar (c. 1993)tune adapted from 4th movement of Arcangelo Corelli's opus 5, Sonato #10 1700.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 3 couple version c. 1725; longways Trad: Peter Kennedy


Formation: 3 couple special
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Searle


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1698, interpretation by Colin Hume, 2022


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1777; WS. Porter


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1996)


Formation: 3 couple set; Longways duple minor variation
Key: Cm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens; Tune is One Charming Night, from the Fairy Queen, by Purcell


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Richmond Assemblies c 1790 to Coterie 204 Favorite Country Dances of 1774


Formation: Siciilian Circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Trad. Mrs. Boyle


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Twenty Four New Country Dances, 1702, Douglas and Helen Kennedy, 1929


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2003) to Cottonwood by Dave Bartley (2002) published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: 3 couple set longways
Key: Amin, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston 1710


Formation: Typically 4-8 couple longways set
Meter: 32 bar jigs
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sylvan Harmer (1821-1831); Various interpretations by Michael Barraclaugh (1979), Colin Hume (2020?), and Harold Downing


Formation: Triple Minor
Key: A Minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2024)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Sol Weber as modified by Tara Bolker


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2016) to the tune Little Sky by Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin


Formation: Dance for 12
Choreography/Music: Siôn Andreas o Wynedd (Ian A. Engle) to Bourée from Bach's Suite in E Minor for Lute played as a slip jig


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz to a tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Sascha Glimmann to Soldier Boy by Custer LaRue


Formation: Duple minor. All proper
Key: B minor, Meter: triple time
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2002) to "Crown the Year", to H. Purcell 1712


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner (2003 rev 2008) to the English folksong collected by Sharp, One Hundred English Folksongs (1916)


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651, and as interpreted by Michael Barraclaugh


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rutherford. 1775


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703, as interpreted by Colin Hume, Part 2 by Colin Hume


Formation: 3-couple longways set
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: unknown: EFDSS Community Dance Manuals


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Marjorie Heffer & William Porter published in Maggot Pie (1932


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2016) to the tune Apollo and Daphne (Walsh 1740)


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mary Pugh (1983)


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Macemon (1992)


Formation: Longways for 3 couple
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Senior, 2014; tune by Mady Newfield, 2014 in memory of Mars Longden


Formation: Double circle
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph PImentel to Yonder, Year by Year by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways trios
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1993) to a tune by Jeremiah Clarke


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Don Bell/Playford


Formation: 4 couples in a square set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood April 2010 to waltz esp. "When the Boat Comes In"


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Karen Shaw to "New Moon" by Doug Plummer


Formation: triple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rebekah Valencia; tune by Ruth Valencia (triple minor)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am/A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2005) to Dancing up a Storm by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/6
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett; tune arranged from "A Health to Betty" Playford 1651 by Chris Sackett 2007


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1973


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2010)


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Paul Ross/Roger Davidson


Formation: 4 couple Longways Set
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005) to Pell Mell from Payford 1679


Formation: Duple minor longways improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossens (oct 2013)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson. The tune is "Dimanche a Paris" by Kathleen Fownes.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Naomi Alexander


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to Hunana Hornpipe by Jonanthan Jensen, published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: 2 couple set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett. Tune by Shira Kammen


Formation: Long Set, 3 cpls. (orignal: triple minor)
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: EDM 1721, Reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Circle
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1975)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ellen Taylor


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jonathan Ogle, 2003 to 'Banks of Inverness


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon McKinley (2007) to her tune of the same name


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C/Cm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Diane Schmit (1985) to a tune of the same name by Jonathan Jensen (1985)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgbury


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Paul Ross/Roger Davidson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Macemon (2017), music: "Butterflies Waltz", Ruth McLain


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1702 and a reconstruction by Eugenia Eremina-Solenikovoy.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Unknown, pub in Sheffield,From Two Barns, v3


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: c, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2009) to The Serpent with Corners by Thomas Bending (1999)


Formation: 3 couple longways set. Mixer
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton (1983)


Formation: Longways for 3 couples (originally written as triple minor longways with a triple progression
Choreography/Music: Trevor Monson, 2009 to Jordan's Shore by Elvyn Blomfield


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Kimberly, Ellie & Chava Hall/Mary Hall


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2009)


Formation: Round for as many as will
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Dance and tune by Naomi Alexander (1998)


Formation: 3-couple dance
Choreography/Music: Don Corson with suggestions from Alan Winston and Colin Hume. This version is modified by Veronica Lane. Music is "Catharsis" played by Moving Violations.


Formation: Dorset 4-hand set
Key: G/A, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Community Dance Manuals


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G/A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Community Dance Manuals


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1999)/Gavotte by Pierre Caroubel (c. 1600)(?)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A modal, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to a tune by David Wiesler


Formation: Sicilian Circle or duple minor imprpoer
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Duple minor improper longways mixer
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens, 1999; Music: “Captain Tom,” published Walsh 1711


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 1791


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2023). The tune is "Release the Ender Dragon" by Dave Wiesler (2019)


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 17th Ed. Vol. I 1721, reconstructed by Douglas and Helen Kennedy, 1929


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 17th Ed. Vol.I 1721


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Young 1710, reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson (1744)


Formation: Circle, or 3-couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DancingMaster 1651; Interp. Bolton (2003). Choreography reconstructed as circle by Cécile Laye


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson (1757) as reconstructed by Charles Bolton in Retreads 2 (1992)


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2022); Tune by Dave Wiesler (1997)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Cm, Meter: 12/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford (1713) as We'll Wed and We'll Bed, reconstruction by Bernatd Bentley (1962)


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho 1779


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Young 1710; Interp. by Bernard Bentley


Formation: ‘Becket’ set with another ‘Becket’ set outside
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Sarabande op de Duchesse’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to I’m Takin’ My Time by Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bernard Bentley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: Cahusac 1801, interp. A. Simons 1970;,triple minor reconstruction:Reconstruction by Eugenia Solenikova and other variants. See 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 couple longways set 2's improper
Key: G Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume to a tune by Roger Davidson (1991)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgbury (1972)


Formation: Long Set. 3 cpls (original: triple minor), Progression 3-1-2
Key: A minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1798, Recontruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bruce Hamilton (an adaptation of John Drewry's The Dunsmuir Strathspey) tune Breakaway Heart by Kathy Talvitie


Formation: 4 couple reel
Choreography/Music: Communiity Dance manuals


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal Collection(c. 1726)


Formation: 8 couples in a set — A line of two couples facing another line of two couples, behind which are two more lines of couples facing each other
Key: G Major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ernst van Brakel to a tune by Colin Hume (1990)


Formation: Longways duple minor, 2's improper
Key: G Major, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Peter André for Bill and Daphne Holland’s 60th wedding anniversary to Langtan efter Sally ( Longing for Sally) by Bruce Sagan.


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A, Meter: 9/8
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1800


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: Processional Double Circle, women on inside, all facing clockwise
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Unknown. Published in John Fitzhugh Milar, Elizabethan Country Dances


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G/Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens, 2000 to Midwinter Blossom by Bob Pasquarello, 1989


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs, 1994


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1783, 1788


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kevin Prigmore (2015) to the tune 'Serpent with Corners' (Thomas Bending, 1999)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Henry Playford, 1721. Interpreted by Graham Christian


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Cm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Erna Lynn Bogue (1994) to Miss Gordon of Gight by Issac Cooper (1790)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: J. Johnson Caledonian Country Dances 1733, reconstruction by Bernard Bentley (1977)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: C Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1695


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Robin Burke to "The Tide" by Rebecca King, 2007


Formation: 3 couple longways set.
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to the tune "Six Feet Under" by Becky Tracy


Formation: Duple minor longways improper
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to "Anita's Waltz" by Rachel Bell (2016)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Playford 1698 reconstructed by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: J. Walsh, 24 Country Dances for the year 1727; reconstruction by Andrew Shaw 2017


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (1991)


Formation: Square
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1984)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 24CD,1712 as interp. by Tom Cook, to Come Let Us Be Merry 1975


Formation: Becket circle
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz?


Formation: Circle mixer
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume 2006


Formation: Siciilian Circle 3 couples
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2003)' tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Simpson-Vlach to Murray's Passage by Debbie Jackson


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume(2009) to a tune by Brian Stone


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston (1690; ) Andrew Shaw recontruction (2006)


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Antony Heywood, 1990


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz to a tune by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c. 1750


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2013);,tune by Martha Stokely (2012)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman to A Soldier and a Sailor (Walsh - 1718) Dance written for Andrew Shaw


Formation: Triad. All proper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman to "For Al" by John Stapledon (2004)


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh & Hare, Twenty-four New Country Dances for the year 1708 as reconstucted by Andrew Shaw c2009


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Playford 1696


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Terry Glasspool to tune of the same name by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 3 couple longways set, progressive - reel
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1972)


Formation: 8 couples in a set — A line of 2 couples facing another, behind which are two more lines facing lines
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood November 2013 TO 4X32 bar reels


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1698; Interp. Andrew Shaw 2023


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to tune by Larry Unger (was Flowers for Bridget)


Formation: 3-Couple Longways Set
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2023); Tune: Evening Waltz, by Dave Marcus (2014)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner (1999); tune is "Hewlett" by O'Carolan


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 10th Ed. 1698 Walsh c. 1735 Neal c. 1726


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em/E, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1989) to "Fiddling David"


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 (Faine through EDM 1670, then Fain)


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1728 reconstructed by Tom Cook (1979)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996); to a tune by Michael Praetorius


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs; tune by Thomas Farmer (1683)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Fmajor, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: John Farmer 1565-1605


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1718; Interp. Pat Shaw 1961


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: Gm, Meter: 9/8
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1773 to tune by Thomas Arne


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: A Finite Set of Calculated Figures (Gary Roodman, 2023)


Formation: 4-couple set
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Mario Tille, to the tune Waltz for Richard


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anna Bidder (c. 1969) to A'rovin


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to the tune "Nancy Dawson’s Fancy" (1765)


Formation: 3 couple longways set, progressive
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1765 (triple minor), reconstucted as 3 couple dance by W.S. Porter (1931). see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003) to tune of the same name by Peter Jung


Formation: 4-couple longways; 1's and 3's improper
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dan Seppler, 2012 to Farewell Marian


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel; tune by Adam Broome


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mr. Nathaniel Kynaston in J. Walsh J Hare 1718, reconstructed by Andrew Shaw (2009)


Formation: 2 couple set
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman 2009; tune is Branle De Bourgogne composed by T. Arbeau


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Lilley (1999)


Formation: Sicilian Circle;1st couple face counterclockwise
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2005)to Gloria by A. Vivaldi ca. 1708


Formation: Square
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen to her tune "Caoline's Fancy"


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume to a tune by Dave Brown (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Michael Cicone


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh & Essex, For the Improvement of Music 1710


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joyce Walker to Nancy's Fancy by Fred Grimshaw


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: G Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2023)


Formation: 3 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Ferry Crossing by Peggy Roe (2017) Music: 'Rushin' for the Ferry' by Dan Page (2007)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston (2007) tune by Jon Berger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Rosemary Lach to "Lady Marian" by Gregory Brown @2008


Formation: Round for 4 couples
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2008)/Charlene Thomson


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Key: Em, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996/)A Fig for a Kiss (trad.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried Herman (1991) to 'Lady Gregory's Fair Flower'


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, 1780


Formation: Duple Minor- lmprope
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 2 couples longways
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz, 2011; Music: “The Gates of Heck” by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 1788-1833, John Griffiths


Formation: waltz contra
Choreography/Music: Burt Hunter


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman the Lover's Petition by John Barrett 1700


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Hazel Moir (April 2015) to tune "The Lovely Nymph" by J. Jones.


Formation: Longways duple minor improper, 1's alternating propriety
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2009)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgbury


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: J. Walsh, J. Hare 1718; reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Unknown, American Revolutionary War period


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kalia Kliban to "A Bruxa" by Anton Seoane.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to the tune "The Brewer Laddie" (Trad.)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and music by Colin Hume (2005); written for the band :focuspocus Dan and Caroline Hollingshurst


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson, to the tune 'Faeries and Fools', by Leal Whitehead


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett , published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston, interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 4 couple longways, 1st couple on centre line man at top, lady at bottom ? ?
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Julian Hill to a tune by Eileen Muscroft (2004)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A Minor, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxall, 1991


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A Minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2023)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2013) to a tune by Debbie Jackson.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, Improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman tune: Jonathan Jensen @2012


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G/A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Traditional; pub. in Hamilton, EFSS Comunity Dance Manual


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Mary Devlin to McFarland's Jug


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 3-couple longways
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1972)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1709


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Steve Sargent to tune by Daron Douglas


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2009) to a trad. Irish slip jig


Formation: Triple minor longways (or 3 couple set)
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1778


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David and Kathryn Wright/Edgeworth Bumpkins trad


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1706; Interp. Andrew Shaw


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2015) to "Without his Tiger" by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Triple Minor Longways
Key: E minor, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett, 2001 to "The Butterfly" traditional Irish


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: W, Pearson and John Young, 1718. Interp. as 3-couple set by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman to Orielton House


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 1698 (10th Edition)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Leslie Laseter, 2002


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 2024; tune by Shira Kammen 2024


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Don Theyken in 2008, to Doctor Who Pirate Jig by Martha Stokely


Formation: 6 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: unknown; interp. Sharp 1909


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson to tune Shepherd and Shepherdess (1799)


Formation: Four couple set
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner to Judy’s Jubilation by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1688 inter. by Tom Cook


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Essex 1710; Feuillet 1706. interpretation Pat Shaw


Formation: Circle
Choreography/Music: Tune and dance c2014 by Sharon McKinley


Formation: Circle (from 3 to 20+ couples)
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Greta Christina to "Welcome" by O'Carolan


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pierre Trappeniers c. 1777 reconstriction by Philippe Callens (2002)


Formation: 3 couple longways set – Jig
Key: Bflat, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1972)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathanial Kynaston (1718) as interpreted by Andrew Shaw (2002


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: David Smukler (2024); tune by Debbie Jackson (2024)


Formation: 3 couple circle
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1657


Formation: Longways duple minor, 2's improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2012 ) to G Minor Jig, by Martha Stokely (2012)


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: D modal, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, to "March for Warren" by Peter Barnes (2010)


Formation: 2 couple circle
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to the tune “Duke of Buckingham,” by Geoff Mendham.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: EDM 1696-1728; Playford 1698 to Hunt the Squirrel; Cecil Sharp 1922


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Daniel Herr 1975, to  Greenholm, trad.


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Bm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly to Kuparai Eeva


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Paul Harris/Samuel Sim for BBC'sEmma 2009 Reconstruction here by M.Angad Gaur. JASNL


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to a Lancashire Morris dance tune by the same name and a variant source unknown.


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (1988) to Bonnie George Campbell and Wandering Willie


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: B-flat Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to a tune by Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson 2023. Tune is "Trip to the Boiling Lake" (Dave Wiesler, 2022).


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1974)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/4
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxall to a tune by Heather Bexton


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways triple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anne Broderip and Georges Wilkinson, 1806


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 tune by John Lenton


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Charlene Thomson


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Yorkshire Trad. Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: John Gardiner-Garden


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor (or, alternatively, as a 3 couple set)
Key: Bm/D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs (2018)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens - 1986, to Spagnolette Reformeert (Dutch traditional tune)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman/tune by John Stapledon?


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Christine Helwig to Eric’s Scott's tune “Christine and Ed’s Waltz,”


Formation: Sicilian circle
Choreography/Music: Nicolas Broadbridge, 1993


Formation: 4 couple square. Couples progress one position counterclockwise
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens/ Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1992)/Rondo Alla Turca, W.A. Mozart


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon McKinley, August 2011


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson's Compleat Collection of 200 Favorite Dances Vol 3, 1768


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (2000) to Bryant Aveniue Blues by George Davis (2000)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2006) to Joyful Jig by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Elias Howe


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 9/8
Choreography/Music: Sol Weber (2006) to a traditional South Wales tune


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood April 2012 to 16 bar march esp. Hagsätra Brudmarsch by Väsen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running, tune by Josh Burdick @2006


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Essex, 1710; Interp. Pat Shaw, 1965


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: B-flat Major, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2024), to the tune Evergreen, by Jon Berger


Formation: Triple minor longways (or 3 couple set)
Key: DM, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Neal c. 1726


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 2014, tune is "Walnut Hill" by Shira Kammen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1721, reconstructed by Douglas and Helen Kennedy (1919)


Formation: 5-couple Set
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly (2015)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1718; Interp. Simons 1990


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 3/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/4
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 17th Ed. Vol. I 1721


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Eric Leber


Formation: Single progression longways mixer
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 (longways and circle)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mary Devlin (2001) to tune by Liz Donaldson


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: D Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1970


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Cm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710, reconstructed by Bernard J. Bentley (1962)


Formation: Duple minor longways – Reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to McDonald’s Reel


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)/adapted from Virgin's Frolic(Playford 1713)


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1992)/Bouree from G.F Handel's Water Music, Suite No.2 in D


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and tune by Tom Siess, 2006


Formation: Longways Dupre minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Paula Kelly (2007) to "Koker-yes" by Lar Dugan (2007


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, Twenty Four Country Dances, 1777


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniel Kynaston, 1716


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green. Tune by Jonathan Jensen (2014)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1696


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1736


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Published: Dancing Master (Playford) I: 1703-1728 Renovated Eugenia Eremina-Solenikovoy


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to 'Harlequin' from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen,


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c 1742 / reconstuction by Andrew Shaw (2012)


Formation: One Couple Shortways
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Don Bell (2020)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor (or as a 2 couple set)
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Diane Bell (2021)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal c. 1726


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly (2006) to La Maison de Glace by Rejean Brunet, published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2020), to the tune "22 more" by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 2008, Orly Krasner; tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Michael Wood/Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Lena Rees and John Lagden c. 1983


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw/ trad tune


Formation: 3 couple longways mixer, 2's improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens, to "The Healing Physician" by Roger Davidson


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume for Helena Moss on the occasion of her wedding to Jim Crouch, 26Mar1988


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Claudio Buchwald


Formation: Four–couple longways Set – Jig
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1975


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Bernard Bentley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1999)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm/G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)


Formation: 7 dancers
Choreography/Music: Alan White


Formation: 4 couple longways
Meter: 12/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Lord Iulstan Sigewealding/ Heather Rose Jones 1990


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: written by Heather Rose Jones, arranged by Paul Butler,c.1990)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running, 2024


Formation: Four couple Longways Set – Reel
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw, 1974


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1679. (This is NOT the same as "Cuckolds All In a Row".)


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cecil Sharp (Hey Boys Up Go We modified/renamed by FolkinMotion)


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Dave Turner; Tune is Independence, by Orly Krasner


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2003) to Spatter the Dew, trad. Irish, published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: Longways duple proper
Key: F Maj, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Liz Donaldson, 2011, tune is her "Hazelfern Jig" (2000)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Petersen (2014) to Highlander's Farewell (trad).


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John & William Neal, 1726


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: E/Cm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mr. Nathaniel Kynaston. Walsh. Hare (1718) reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2008)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Nash to A Minor Slip Jig, by Martha Stokely 2006.


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ian Hughes 1999 to Wheatsheaf Tavern


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Wright 1740


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: EDM 1701 and a reconstruction into circular formation; reconstructions by Cecil Sharp and Eugene Solennikovoy, see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2005); to Le Brandevin by Robert Amyot (1990 & 2005),published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gmx, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(1999)/Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2003)/Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston, 1794, reconstruction by Bert Simons c. 1991


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1786


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gmx, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)/Branle de Cheveaux (T. Arbeau, 1589)


Formation: Four couple longways; 2's and 4's improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to Squire Parsons by Turlough O'Carolan


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2017); Tune is "A Man of Consequence" by Kathy Talvitie


Formation: Square
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2017)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jacqueline Schwab & Charles Hamond, 1974. Tune: Dance to Your Daddy.


Formation: 3 coupe longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston 1710 The Dancing Master 15th Ed. 1713 Walsh 1718


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1709


Formation: Longways triple minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Trad. Interp. Sharp 1909


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1721; Fallibroome Collection, Bernard Bentley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Walsh, 1713, interpreted by Michael Barraclaugh, c 1970)


Formation: longways triple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 24 Country Dances for the Year 1794


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, 24 Country Dances for the Year 1804


Formation: Circle
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Katherine Creelman Skrobela(1969) to a tune by Thomas Campion (1601)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1974 to ‘Nu wil ik een liedeke zingen’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford (1706); adapted by Jamie Hargrove, to the tune of Red-House.


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 Couple Set
Key: A Minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and music (2004) by Robert Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (1990) to an adaptation of Handel's Impertinence


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendy & Chris Sackett (1999) to Millisons Jegge, Playford 1651,published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and music (2009) by Robert Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robin Hayden (1997); tune by Gustav Hoslt (1905)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: Circle
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (1982) to Indian Queen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: EDM 1701 and a reconstruction into circular formation; reconstructions by Cecil Sharp and Eugene Solennikovoy. see 'Dance Instruction" above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen, 2002 to Susan's Waltz by Jonathan Jensen @1984


Formation: LW duple
Key: Em, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus, 2018; tune is "It Rains by Dogs and Cats" by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz/ Dave Wiesler


Formation: 3 couple set longways
Choreography/Music: Susan Amessé to The Good Lady of Cottage Place, by Tom Amessé


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles & Samuel Thompson 1772


Formation: Longways duple minor, gender neutral
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Miriam Newman to Haapavesi Waltz by Keith Murphy


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1999)/Turlough O'Carola


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to tune of the same name by Peter Barnes (2012)


Formation: Longways duple minor; second couple improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mary Williams to tune by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 3rd Volume Dancing Master c. 1726, Andrew Shaw interpretation; tune arranged by Rebecca King


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh c.1735/ Interpr. Tom Cook


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Asa Willcox called as contra by Ralph Page


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Nash, 2017, to the tune Mazulma, by Maarten de Splenter


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hulme to Lull Me Beyond Thee


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Nicholas Rockstroh; tune is "Rampant Tolerance"


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Shanda McDonald


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackettt, published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G or F, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer, 2015/tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Jan Dale/John Stapledon


Formation: 3 couple set
Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1650


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: 8 different dances by this name were published between 1756 and 1809. This version is from Trumball, Gentleman and Lady's Companion (Norwich CT 1708)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1721 to "Bolt the Door 1686


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1702; Diagonal hey variation; Renovated by Eugenia Eremina-Solenikovoy. see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreographed and composed by Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Fm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695, (interp Cecil Sharp) to tune Under and Over Playford 1652 (trad); interepretation by Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Raoul-Auger Feuillet English Country Dances from the French Court, 1716


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670 and variants. Aka "La Bonne Amitie".


Formation: 3 couple longways
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: 4 Couple Longways
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2010) to"Jane's Song' by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Anna Rain; tune is "Jane's Tune" by Kathy Talvitie (written for Jane McCarty)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: English Dances for the Dutch Court 1755


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: tradtional - published in ​Country Dances of Colonial America​​ (John Millar)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Called as contra by Ralph Page


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: polka
Choreography/Music: Gregory Reynolds, to Mr. Reynolds' arrangement of the "Jenny Lind Polka"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1690


Formation: Round for 3 or more couples
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651; Cecil Sharp 1911 inter, zesty variation, Russian reconstruction. see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dan Blim, 2012 Tipperty's Jean," traditional; "Rod's Birthday," Barbara McOwen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 17th Ed Vol1, 1721, reconstructed by Charles Bolton in Retreads 8


Formation: Longwas duple minor in canon
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1965)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways triple minor (Andrew Shaw); 3 couple (Christine Robb)
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718: reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski to Lulaje Jezuniu/Wesola Novine, traditionl Polish Carols


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1974


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and tune by Naomi Alexander (1992)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1702


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 1719; Reconstruction by Fried deMetz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2008)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel (2019)


Formation: Triple Minor - (triple progression)
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2012) to "Mother’s Day Kas-a-Barh” by Shira Kammen and Ray Price (1999)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens. l996


Formation: Square, numbered CCW
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1995), to an 18th Century Dutch tune


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2000) to trad. tune


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1690 reconstruction by Cecil Sharp (1916)/Purcell; variation in claps; unattributed variations. see 'Dance Instructions' above


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Wilson 'Pleasures of Terpsichore' 1810


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm/Em, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs to tune of the same name by John Kirkpatrick


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1714 reconstructed by Andrew Shaw (2016)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green 2011/ Jonathan Jensen's Drifting on the Dreamy Juniata


Formation: Double longways Becket
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1974


Formation: duple, longways, improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "Evergreen" by Keith Murphy


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2006) to Silly Jig by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner/ John Austin


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710 Note: Also known as Katharine Street, Katherine Street, Catherine Street


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1727; Tom Cook (1975)


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1728


Formation: Duple Minor longways – Reel
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1964


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford DM, 9th edition, 1695, interpretation by Charles Bolton, in Retreads I, #5


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer, 2004 to traditional tune.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1719; The Dancing Master Vol. III 1728


Formation: 3 coupe longways
Choreography/Music: Seth Tepfer to "The New Bag" by Dave Marcus


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1716, as interpreted by Andrew Shaw (2006)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A Minor, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Tom Senior. Tune is "Tom's Song" by Rebecca King


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1698 (as The King of Poland)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DM John Young 1718. Intepretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Alan Davies to Planxty Irwin by O'Carolan


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D/A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (1984)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Button and Whitaker — Twelve Elegant New Dances for the Year 1810


Formation: 3 dancers in a circle.
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney, Karen Sweeney & Lani Graham


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1987)/La Basque by M. Marais


Formation: Longways, Becket Formation
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Dave Turner. Tune attributed to Turlough o' Carolan called Princess Royal.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal, 1726


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gene Murrow


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: A Simons (Kentish Hops) 1961. dance from Noel Park) Voight 1809/Fentum 1810; music (Knowles Park ) Bishop 1788.


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Gaillarde Koepoort’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Longways triple minor
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Lucy Mussey 1790; Interp van Winkle Keller & Sweet 1976


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Dave Ricker 1982


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 3rd Ed. App. 1665; interp. Cecil Sharp


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Greg Reynolds


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing-Master: The Tenth Edition … London. H. Playford, 1698


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779; duple minor interpretation by Bob Olson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Wilson, The Treasures of Terpsichore (1809)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rich Galloway


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 1788-1833, John Griffiths


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dan Seppeler (ca. 2012) to trad. tune


Formation: 4 couple longways improper
Key: Cm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, 2016, to Mylne's Court by Rachel Bell


Formation: 3 dancers in a line
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: 4 couple square
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly; tune is "O son do ar" by Bieito Romero


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston, to The Jig is Up by Patti Cobb


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1774


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/4
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 reconstruction by Diana Cruckshenk


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Twenty Four New Country Dances for the Year Kynaston, Nathanial; interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Macemon & Cynthia Stenger/ Music "L is for..." by Bob Pasquarello


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1996)/ Green Fingers by John Stapledon (1968)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe 2014


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz to Hemlock Grove by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 3 couple set; Longways duple minor variation
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman 1989.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: C. Wheatstone c. 1811


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to Lisa by Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner to "Mr. Tesla's Magnet" by Dave Bartlett (2016)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, Improper
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005) to tune by David Schonfeld


Formation: Duple longways
Key: A/D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Henry Bishop. 1788 adopted by Scott Higgs. Tune changed to Pease Strae by Niel Go


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A/D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Henry Bishop, 1788 adapted by Scott Higgs


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly & Chris Sackett to Bob Mills' Draught by Peter Barnes, published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Carpenter


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: David Bateman to the tune "Fisher's Hornpipe"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Michael Barraclough (2012)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Thomas Budd. 1780


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs, 2001, tune: Miss Grace Hay's Delight published by Neil Gow


Formation: 5 couple set progressive
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1975)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel (in The Green Jay collection); to a medley of "Old Doc Jones" and "Sad Condition", arranged by Daron Douglas


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2009) to Bluesy Waltz by Jonathan Jensen(1995)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2015) tune by Corelli


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to the tune "Quinn Darrow Hornpipe"


Formation: Double Circle (circular Becket formation)
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan English(2018) to The Lighter Than Air Waltz by Daniel Engle


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1690/Henry Purcell and and Feuillet: Recueil de Contredance. 1706


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Michael Wood/Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Carmen Giunta & David Smukler / Charlene Thomson


Formation: Duple Minor Longways Improper
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2016) to "Paulina", Patti Cobb © 2016"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2023); tune is “The Shepherdess,” a traditional Irish jig


Formation: 2 couple set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw, 1977


Formation: Longways duple-minor proper; double progression
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to 'Nachtegaaltje kleijne' from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Improper Double Progression 
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green/ Jerry Livingston


Formation: Duple minor, improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Terry Glasspool 2016 to American Husband" played AB


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2012)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bernard Bentley, Fallibroome Collection


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxall to the tune “Deep Water” by Heather Bexton


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1971)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 1791


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (ca1974)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett; tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner to her tune "Lucy's Waltz"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rich Jackson (1989) to Jump at the Sun by John Kirkpatrick


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779


Formation: 3-couple set
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1777; in Apted Country Dances (Porter, Heffer & Heffer)


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651. Reconstruction Cecil Sharp 1910


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to Love and all that Hijaz by Dave Bartley


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh/Kynaston 1710, as reconstructed by Bernard Bentley (Fallibroome Collection, v II)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Altered here to LW duple from LW triple. Asa Willcox 1794


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2018)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1686, interp. by Taras Sleptsov (Traianon studio, Moscow) 2000


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: 3 couple longways set or triple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman, reconstructed as 3-couple set from Playford 1790/Fallibroome


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2007) and music (2007) by Robert Jamison


Formation: 3 Couple Longways set, mixer
Key: Eb, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Melanie Axel-Lute to"I Will Bow and Be Simple" (traditional Shaker tune)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson III 1744


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jim Kitch to The Black and the Grey aka Trip to Kilburn


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray (1699) to "The Lover's Luck" attributed to Thomas Tollett


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper (Feels like a contra)
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: Big Circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Barn Dance


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running


Formation: 4 couple longways set; 3rd and 4th couples improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651; Interp. Sharp 1912


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel to a tune of the same name by Dave Weisler (2018)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 24CD,1794


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: John Wood, published in his collection Ross of Mull. It is danced here to Ashokan Farewell by Jay Ungar


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas John Senior


Formation: Round for 4 couples
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor Becket
Choreography/Music: Mark Hillegonds


Formation: Longways Duple Minor,proper
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nicolas Broadbridge, 1995


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bmin, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Ric Goldman, 2017 to "Lt. Maguire's Jig", traditional


Formation: Round for 6, in 3 parts
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 4th Ed (1670)


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 1788-1833, John Griffiths; James E. Morrison, 1976


Formation: Longways for 4 to 6 couples
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 9th Ed. 1695; Walsh 1718


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 1675; Playford 1651


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Tom Cook/ Brian Jenkins


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1794. Interpreted by A. Simons 1990


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1690


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master Vol II 1696 reconstruction by Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Feuillet 1706, Pat Shaw interpretation 1960


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "Spring Will Come" by Claire Johnson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski, 2012 to the traditional tune 'A Provencal Carol'


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996)/Gavotte by Pierre Caroubel (c.1600)


Formation: Siciilian Circle
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1959)


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1783


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Eminor, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Zeckley (2004) to tune by Mickie Zekley, (1987)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Marjorie Fennessy, 1995


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens /Jonathan Jensen


Formation: circle mixer
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: David Newitt, to the tune “The March of Saint Timothy”, by Judy Morningstar, 1984


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1728


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Cm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)/tune adapted from Scherzo in Cm by Dave Wiesler(1999)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8, Jig
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: W. Pearson & J. Young. 1718


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smukler, 2015 to The Argos Inn by Rachel Bell


Formation: Six couple ‘Becket’ set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Meester Jacob’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Sicillian Circle of Trios
Choreography/Music: G.M.S Chivers Swedish Country Dances 1822 reconstruction by Eugenia Eremina-Solenikova


Formation: Couples in a circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood February 2013 to 32 bar reels, esp. Waltzing Matilda


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Feullet (1706), Essex (1710); La Mattelot, The Matelot


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Page, 2016 to "Ladies In May" by Rebecca King 2016


Formation: 4-couple longways improper
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: 2 couple circle
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (1992)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried DeMetz Herman/ Purcell (adapted)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Jonathan LF King to "Crested Hens" by Gilles Chabenat


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2007) to tune by Dave Bartley, published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mary Devlin. Bob Fraley, Elizabeth Zekley 2005/Woodlands Walk by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Heffer and Porter: Maggot Pie


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathaniel Kynaston


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1778


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens, to a tune by John Eccles, 1700.


Formation: Longways Triple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1755; reconstructed Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 3 couple set
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Danyele Gilles


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green/ Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dan Blim (2014), set to The Carpathian Tune


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Erna-Lynne Bogue to a tune by Jan Coray (1995)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Eminor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1773, interp. by George Fogg


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to "In the Bleak Midwinter" by Gustav Holst


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2012)to tune of the same name by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Jan Dale/Terry Willetts


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Lynn Jensen to tune by Jonathan Jensen (2011)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running(2011)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2000)


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4, 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson (1765)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1962


Formation: 4 triads
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1971)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson, to the tune 'Belsey Bell'


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw c.1971


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c. 1750; Fallibroome Collection 3


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: T. Budd 1781


Formation: Sicillian Circle of Trios
Choreography/Music: G.M.S Chivers Swedish Country Dances 1822


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: David Newitt / Dudley Laufman


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (1998)/Saturday Morning Waltz,Dave Wiesler (1997),published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatio Sancho 1779


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 1793


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Traditional/tune by Daniel Dow (1776)


Formation: 2 couples longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1911)


Formation: 5 couple set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood, to the tune The Morgan Rattler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Country Dances of Colonial America (John Millar)


Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra tune by Rachel Bell,


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Louis Vosteen( 2004) to Jefferson and Liberty


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: ThomasPreston(1801)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2017) to Call It A Night by Julie King (1994).


Formation: Duple minor longways improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra (2017) to "Moonflower" by Rachel Bell


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw Collection Book 2 -Dances


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Blind Harper Dances, edited by Allison Thompson


Formation: Five couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and music by Colin Hume 2010


Formation: 3C LW (was triple minor)
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 3 Co long set Thompson Compleat vol V c 1789


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Trad. northern England. Maud Karpeles


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: William Campbell, 1795


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1721


Formation: 3 Couple Longways Set
Key: C Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2024) and music (2007) by Robert Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to Duck, Duck, Go by Rachel Bell


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(1999)/My Robe is New, trad.Shaker song)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxall c 1994. It was published in his book The Blackbrune Tunes. The tune is Miss Hariot Edwick's Favourite (a 5x32 bar jig)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)/to Adsonn's Masque, John Adson (1621) as modified by Gary Roodman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695 with 4 major recostructions by: Cecil Sharp, Pat Shaw, Jane Gibson for Pride and Prejudice) and Colin Hume(2007). see 'Dance Instruction" above


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2009)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: New Country Dancing Master 3d Bk (Walsh), 1728, Douglas and Helen Kennedy, 1929


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: William Ganiford, c. 1940


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1971)


Formation: Duple Minor proper
Key: G, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel/ Debbie Jackson


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to Country Dance from Handel's Water Music.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Sheila Bywaters


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695


Formation: long set 3 cpls; progression 3-1-2
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston 1718, reconstruciion by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel; tune by Dave Wiesler (1997)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to Tequila by Chuck Rio


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Fried Herman, 1989 to "Westminster Hall" 1700's


Formation: Longways double minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel/ Dave Wiesler


Formation: Circle
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton, 2002


Formation: 3 Couple Longways, progression 2-3-1
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to "At the Brow of the Hill" (c. 1745-46)


Formation: 3 couple progressive Longways Set
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to "Christchurch Bells" (traditional)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2024); tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: Gm*32bars AABBC, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2010) to "The 6th November" by Sue Stapledon (2009)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Williamsburg Heritage Dancers


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1696


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Amesse and Beverly Francis (2004) to Mr. Beveridge's Ground (1696).


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710; reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Ken Sheffield


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton 1986


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1710, Recontruction by Bernard Bentley


Formation: 4 Couple Longways, 2 and 4 impoper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood October 2011 to a 4 x 32 bar reel


Formation: Triple minor longways
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Budd. 1780


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779; duple minor interpretation by George Williams


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume 1996


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, 2024; Tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Triple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and music (2001) by Robert Jamison


Formation: longways duple minor improper
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman, to a tune by W. Croft (1730)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2022), to the tune Valse du Bapteme, by Susan Conger and Friends


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1777 & TV version


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Don & Diane Bell as part of Canada's 150th birthday celebrations (2017) to ""My Cape Breton Home", " by Jerry Holland (1998)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: E minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2005) to Lavinia's Waltz by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 3 couple longways set or longways triple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master Vol. III 1728; edited by Cecil Sharp (to "Nobody's Jigg); edited by Charles Bolton


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman(1996)to a Manx (Isle of Man) tune


Formation: Sicillian Circle
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1946)


Formation: 3 couple set
Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: John Short


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718, reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Jamie Hargrove


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1679; Interp. Sharp 1922


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D Maj, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to "Another Classic Cliché" by Mik Lammers (1998)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(1992)/minuet from G.F.Handel's Water Music Suite No. 3 in G


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: three couple set
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston, to the tune Alta Sierra Waltz (1993) by Larry Unger.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Nancy Shepley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett to Dave Wiesler's "Mr. Millstone's Defenestration"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2016)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson, 1748, as interpreted by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Margaret & Jeff Bary/Anna Patton


Formation: 9 dancers
Meter: 64-bar reels
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Colville


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1690


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c 1753


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Kalia Kliban


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651, reconstruction by Cecil Sharp- Keller/Shimer variation with in-line siding; reimagined by Ju Gosling; French German, Lithuanian, Romanian; with swords; Barony of Cynbar see dance Instruction' above


Formation: Circle
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Don Bell


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2010)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1710. Pat Shaw 1940/Simons 1973


Formation: Duple Minor
Key: c, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Couples facing in a line
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Double Sicilian (two couples facing two couples)
Key: G and/or D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to "Nibs Goes WSest" and/or "Jean on the Fiddle"


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Cm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Marjorie Heffer and William Porter, Maggot Pie, 1932


Formation: 4 Couples longways, 1 and 3 improper.
Key: Em, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume, Music: John New, 2006


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 165l Cecil Sharp (1922)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rich Jackson


Formation: LW duple improper, double progression
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and tune by Orly Krasner, 1998


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe (2018) Music: 'Excuse Me' (1701)


Formation: 2 couple set
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Don and Diane Bell to Part A: Furioso ll’Italiana (1600) by Fabritio Caroso. Part B (2010) by modern Canadian composer Sabrina Schroeder


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb major, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2004)/Tune by John Stapledon


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651.Sharp reconstruction.The Playford Ball variant; SCA and RenFair reconstructions see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: 2 couple set or longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1697; Interp. Cook 1982


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2000) to tune by Fred Grimshaw (1999)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Goulding 1820, reconstructed by A Simons 1971


Formation: 4 couples longways set w/1st and 3rd improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood December 2011


Formation: longways duple minor, couple 2 improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing-Master 4th ed 1670; Charles Bolton (Retreads)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (1997), to music by Thomas Morley, 1595


Formation: Longways duple minor; 1's proper, 2's improper
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh, 1718. Reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2013) tune by Rebecca King (2013)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski (2000) to Ronde IX by Tielman Susato (1551)


Formation: Triad Mixer
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 1805


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/4 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695; Christine Feyerabend


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz/ Roger Davidson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Walsh, The Complete Dancing Master ca. 1719, reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2002)


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Twenty Four New Country Dances for the Year Natl. Kynaston; interpreation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston in Walsh 1718; reconstructed by Tom Cook


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Walsh, The Complete Dancing Master ca. 1719


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 12th Ed. 1703


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John & William Neal c. 1726; as revised by Rich Jackson and George Fogg 1950


Formation: Set of two trios
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Ouwe wijven’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: unknown (appears in Wright's Humours, vol2) by Kathryn & David Wright


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Moir to a tune by Janet Collingford


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Dawn Winskill to "Consider Yourself' from "Oliver


Formation: Duple Minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly (2014) to Dance of the Demon Daffodils by John Kirkpatrick (2009)


Formation: Circle for a many as will
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2003, tune by Todd Barton (2003), published in Impropriety Vol. 1


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1774


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Page to a waltz of the same name by the band Ladies at Play.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 24 Country Dances for the year 1713 (J. Walsh, J. Hare 1712); reconstructed by Andrew Shaw 2002


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1657 (as Oranges and Limons)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D mixolydian, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxal (2005), modified from Barry Skelton's Scottish Dance 32 bar reel


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal c. 1726


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cecil Sharp reconstruction (1916) based on Playford 1728


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1702


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Ernst August Jayme: Recueil de Contre Dances 1717, based on Mr. Lane's Trumpet Minuet #1. Playford 1619


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Hotz (2006) to Trade Winds Waltz by Charlene Thomson (2003)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman


Formation: 3-couple longways
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Clement Weeks, 1783; interpreted by Kate van Winkle Keller & Ralph Sweet, 1976.


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume to the tune Parson's Farewell


Formation: 4 Couple Longways
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green


Formation: 4 couple square set mixer
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running, 2011, revised 2023; Music: Melissa Running


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Preston 1779


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A Minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1686; Interpreted by Andrew Shaw (2017) [Tune is also used in "The Dancing Wife.]


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz/ Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to :"Hungarian Dance No. 5" by Johannes Brahms


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: 2 couples circle
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651; reconstuctions by Cecil Sharp, SCA, Cecil Sharp, Ilballarino, and others see 'Dance Reconstruction' .


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Marjorie Heffer and William Porter, 1932


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kalia Kliban, (2008) to Ye Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon trad.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson /trad.


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cor Hogendijk


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green, 2014, tune by Dave Brown, Connections 1996.


Formation: 3 couple set
Key: Cmaj, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to Kitty's Waltz by Pat Spaeth


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford’s Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28


Choreography/Music: Rosemary Hunt, Music The Runcible Spoon, Steve Hunt 2009


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: D minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2007) and music (2007) by Robert Jamison


Formation: 4 couple square
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jamie Hargrove


Formation: Circle
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1651


Formation: Five-Couple Longways Set
Key: D Major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Dan Seppeler


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to a tune by Rachel Bell


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Bb, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Cook, to tune of the same name by John Stapledon


Formation: 3 coupe longways
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DM Book 1, 2nd Edition +3rd ed 1735 and 4th.. interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003) to tune of the same name by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Scillian Circle
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tony Northey (2017), to three tunes by Bob McInnes: Take your Partners, Collector's Choice, and Castlemaine


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Lou Vosteen's variation of Female Saylor


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2003) to Cromlit's Lilt (1740)


Formation: 4 couple longways set
Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman, to a tune by Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747)


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1975


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: F, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Unidentified Collection c. 1800


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 2 couple becket set
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Senior (2014) to "Douglas Russ" by Beth Murray


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: originally 1751, this variation by Graham Foster


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701; Interp. Bentley 1965


Formation: 3 couples longways - reel
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1974)


Formation: Four–couple square set– Jig
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw, 1974


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gmajor, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to The Fresh Jug (Irish trad.), published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: by Scott Higgs for Chris Levey


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: Cm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)/Entree, Mertillo Suite from Il Pastor Fido by G.F Handel


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: Bb, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, Twenty Four Country Dances, 1777


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anna Rain (2011) to Winter Oranges by Daron Douglas (1995)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett to 'The Split Rock' by Kevin Burke


Formation: 5 dancers in a diamon #1 in the middle and #2 with back the music
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Andrews


Formation: Square
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs


Formation: Duple minor longways improper triple time
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1998) to Ashworth by Anita Andersen (1995)


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett, Arbeau's 16th Century "Branle de Chevaux" as adapted by Sackett.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 8th Ed. 1690;reconstructed by Christine Robb (2011)


Formation: Longways triple minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Skillern 1782; Variation by Oliver H. Herde 2018


Formation: LW duple
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1715


Formation: 4 couple square
Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford (1657); Interp. Tom Cook (1993)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Called as contra by Ralph Page


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701 and a reintrpretation by Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra, to a tune by Rachel Bell


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett to The Snowy Path by Mark Kelly 1992, published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and music (2023) by Robert Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "Hambo from Hamilton" by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: 3 couple longways set.
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: 24 New Country Dances, Compos'd by a Person of Quality and recommended to Mr. Nathaniel Kynaston London. Walsh, [J.] Hare, [1718] interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford Ed. 3 (1726)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1713


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Eminor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Paula Kelley for her hiking and dancing friend Ken Prince (of Westborough, MA) to the tune The Middle of Night by Peter Barnes


Formation: 4 Couple Longways
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 1st Ed. 1651


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1731


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston (1801) reconstruction by Pat Woods (1958)


Formation: 3-couple longways
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: William Brearly and Katie Sanger, 2021-2022; music by Purcell (arr. Jean Monroe)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison


Formation: 3 couples longways - reel
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Three-couple longways set
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Carmen Giunta, to the tune "Molecular Structure" by David Smukler


Formation: Longways duple minor, proper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, 2023; Tune: Dave Weisler, 2020


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett & Brooke Friendly (1997)/The Kettledrum


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Choreography/Music: Cécile Laye


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DM II: 1-4; Walsh 1719; Pat Shaw 1961;variants


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: any, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Trad. Northumberland. EFDSS Community Dance Manuals


Formation: Four dancers in a diamond
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Heffer and Porter 1932


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703; Interp. Callens 2002


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: EDM 11th Ed. 1701;reconstruction Cecil Sharp 1922


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dmaj, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Compleat Dancing Master 1718


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)/An Urgent Tune by Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Circle for as many as will
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Triple minor longways or 3 couple set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw, 1975


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance by Sharon Green, 2014; tune by Martha Stokely.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski to Cutty Wren


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal c.1726


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Eminor, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2009) to “The White Petticoat” (Traditional Irish), published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson IV 1780


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Rutherford (1756)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(2008); tune by Steve Maranto


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Budd 1795


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman to a tune by Tom Siess


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra, tune by Rachel Bell


Formation: 2 couples longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2013)


Formation: Four couple Longways Set – Jig
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1964)


Formation: Couples in a ring facing CCW, gent on the inside.
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston (2019), to the tune Eilean Beag donn a'Chuain


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1713 as interpreted by Andrew Shaw 2009


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1757 interp: Charles Bolton


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718; and from Playford 1695 with variant choregraphies including a varant by Victor Skowronsk (2003)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: E minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renee Camus (2021); tune by Lael Whitehead (2020)


Formation: 6 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Hilary Herbert/Elegence by Dave Brown


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Annonymous (1818)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mary Devlin (2008) to Waltz for Mary Kay by Liz Donaldson (1989)


Formation: 4 couple set; couples 3 and 4 improper
Key: Bm, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume, 1998


Formation: Duple Minor Longways Improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman 2018 "Ashes" by Rebecca King


Formation: Duple minor longways improper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman to "Mundesse" by Susato


Formation: 3 couple circle
Choreography/Music: Geoff Todd


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Kimberly, Ellie, & Chava Hall/Joseph Galbraith


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson to "She's Sweetest When She's Naked" traditional


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Tom Cook/ Brian Jenkins


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to 18th of August by Daphne Baker (2002)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Key: A Minor, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2013) and music (2007) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: LW Duple
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Veronica Lane, to "Silent Night"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Peter Zarich (2018) to Rings of Saturn (Farewell Cassini) by Marjorie Millner.


Formation: Square
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor, all proper
Choreography/Music: Carol Ann Krug Graves (2016) to "Verdant Groves" (traditional Shaker song)


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anna Rain; tune by David Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Bb, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 4 couple square set
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1956)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1712, interpretation by Chip and Fran Hendrickson, 1984


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Mady Newfield


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: A.(Bert)Simons, 1970 in KentishHops, to Road to Lisdoonvarna (Irish Trad.


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Cm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman


Formation: 5 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1969


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski (2009) to a folk song Helas madam (Alas my lady) said to be composed by Henry VIII


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman to tune by John Stapledon


Formation: 3 couple in a circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood July 2011


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bride 1776, interpretation by Jacqueline Schwab


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: 3 couple round set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (date unknown)


Formation: Duple Minor
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: DM 1701-1728; Cecil Sharp 1922 to the tune of Mr. Lane's Maggot


Formation: Longways mixer, couple 2 improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: EDM 1st Ed 1651; reconst. by Charles Bolton (Retreads6)


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779; duple minor interpretation by Bob Olson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe. (2011) to "Royal City Waltz"composed by Nina Ury


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2011) to Flash of Vermilion by Dave Bartley (2009)t, published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatio Sancho 1779


Formation: 2 couples circle
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670; Sharp; The Playford Ball and four additional varitaions see 'Dance Instruction' above


Formation: 3-couple Set
Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779; duple minor interpretation by Bob Olson


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G/D, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Trad. Peter Kennedy


Formation: 3 coupe longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2006


Formation: 2 couples longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1728


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to tune by Vancouver composer Jane Slemon


Formation: Circle
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: June Harman to Barham Down


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, Interpreted by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Jamie Hargrove


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 reconstruction by Diana Cruckshenk


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Original dance 1708, reconstruction by Andrew Shaw in 2013


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal c. 1726


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1713


Formation: 2 couple set
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651; Interp. Sharp 1911


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master,9th Ed,1st Supp 1696 to music from "The Virtuous Wife by Purcell, 1694


Formation: 2 couples longways
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Seth Tepfer/David Marcus


Formation: 6 couple cross
Choreography/Music: Jamie Hargrove plus verses by Gwommy, and Aliina


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and Music (2007) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: Triple minor or 3 couple set
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Button and Whitaker, 24 Country Dances for the year 1813


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Key: D/Bm, Meter: 32 bar 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe (2017) to "Bright Shining Sea"' by Dan Page (2007)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 2008, tune by Debbie Jackson.


Formation: Duple minor longways – Waltz
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ˜Poolsche Saraâ" from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1719 ; reconst. Jacqueline Schwab (2000)


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner (2001)


Formation: Duple minor longways
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Anna Rain, 2018; Music: “Umami” by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh, 1706


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgebury, 1977


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Em, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh c.1728; reconstruction by Andrew Shaw


Formation: 3 couple set
Key: D minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2004) and music (2004) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Christine Robb to Tom Kruskal's by Amelia Mason and Emily Troll


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, (1999)/Agatha by Erasmus Widmann (1631)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2001) to Air by H. Purcell


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 couple long set; Progressive Triad
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Francis Werner, 1784


Formation: 3 couple set longways – reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to Sawdl Y Fuwch from Musical Relics of the Welsh Bards by Edward Jones 1794, arranged by Pat Shaw


Formation: 4 couple Becket
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)/Pat's Rag, Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways Duple minor
Key: A Dorian, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly (2008) to tune by Shira Kammen(2006)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 to tune from Amphitryon by Henry Purcell


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Wright, 1719. Interpreted by Tom Cook, 1975.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Dance and Tune by Tom Seiss (2011)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly (2013) to Your Slip is Showing By Chris Sackett (2013)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, to a tune by Dave Wiesler (2023)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Wilson, 1816, reconstructed


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson set to the tune "Nasty Nell" by Kathleen Fownes


Formation: Round for as many as will
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670; Sharp; The Playford Ball and four additional varitaions


Formation: 7 dances in a circle
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood October 2012


Formation: 4 Couple Longways; 2nd & 4th couples improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgebury [Note: There is another dance with the same name, written by Rosemary Lach.]


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Rosemary Lach (2013), to the tune "Waltz for Rosemary" by Don Page, 2004. [Note: There is another dance by the same name, written by Brian Wedgebury.]


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bending 1999


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel to a tune by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman (1977) to Saraband by Corelli


Formation: 3 couple set
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen.


Formation: 4 Couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: George Middleton (1977)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "On the Danforth" by Keith Murphy


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Christine Robb (2017); tune Playford, Shawbury Park, The Dancing Master, 1710-1728


Formation: 3 couple longways
Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston, 1711; reconstructed as a 3-couple set by Andrew Shaw, 2002


Formation: 3 couple longways
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Peter Andre 1983


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford, 1651-1690; variation by Jutta Voss, to the tune for Hit and Miss


Formation: 3 couple longways
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood, to a tune by Jonathon Zorzetto


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Steve Otlowski, 2016, to Valse des Pastouriaus by Jacky Molard. In honor of Sherry Brodock


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus; tune is "Texas" (trad.)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Paul Harris/Samuel Sim for BBC's Emma 2009


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Steven Sargent


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 to tune from The Gordian Knot Untyed by Henry Purcell


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1765 as triple minor, and 3 couple


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Christine Feyerabend - written to practice basic Playford figures


Formation: 3 couple Longways
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways for four couples
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman music by Dave Wiesler


Formation: 3-couple set, or triple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2016), to Chris Sackett's tune "Your Slip is Showing"


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2013)/Debbie Jackson(2013


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens (2003) to D'Uytrechise Vreeden by Estienne Roger (c 1715)


Formation: Sicialian Circle, men inside
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski danced to the tune Simple Gifts by Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett, Jr.S 1848 (2012


Formation: 2 couple mixer
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman to a tune by Thomas Ford (1607)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701


Formation: Longways for three couples
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Reel
Key: G, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Wilson Companion 1816


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson 1750


Formation: Reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Weeks 1783


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 11th ed., 1702


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am/A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to "Pennruddock" by Brian Jenkins


Formation: Set of two couples facing each other – Waltz
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw. Pat Shaw arrangement of ‘Menuett’ by Johann Kriegers (1651–1735)


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1975)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Cook (1987) / Brian Jenkins


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly to Snowbound by Dave Bartley, published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to "Silver Bells" by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Andrew Shaw reconstruction; dance and tune by Nathanal Kynaston, pub. in Walsh 24CD, 1718


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Howe 1858


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: A, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, 2012 to tune of the same name by Peter Barnes


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Phillipe Callens (2009) to A Trip to the Bar by John Hymas (2009)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, 2010


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume; to a variation on a tune by Antonin Dvorak


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (1998); tune by Turlough Carolan (1670-1738)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G dorian, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson,to A Person of Quality by Linda Lieberman.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smukler (2024), to a tune by H. Purcell


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1710; Dancing Master II 1-4 Walsh 1719.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holtz (2008) to "South Side Waltz" by Charlene Thomson (2003)


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Louis Vosteen to the 18th century Scottish tune


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1777


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Francis Johnson (1800's); Interp. by Alan Jones and Julia Bengtsson (2024)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: The Dancing Master 17th Ed. Vol. I 1721; Walsh 1755


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal 1726; Interp. Jackson & Fogg 1990


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Border Trad. Peter Kennedy


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Trad. Cecil Sharp


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 1/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Don Bell to "Chestnut" or "Dove's Figary"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C/D, Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Country Dances of Colonial America (John Millar)


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Reconstructed by Bernard Bentley


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson 1794


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1665


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens(2009) to Boree The Old Bachelor, Henry Purcell(1691)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699 tune from The Island Princess by Jeremiah Clark 1699


Formation: Four Couple Square
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Marj Hendy


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2007) to Randy's Rondo by Charlene Thomson (2005)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1958) to a traditional tune


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz/ Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Bob Green


Formation: Duple Minor Improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Four couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: 3 couple square; One head facing up w/ two sides
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Graham Foster


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Cook / Brian Jenkins


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2024); tune is Steppy Downs Road, by Sam Sweeney


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Seth Tepfer, to a tune by Dave Marcus


Formation: 6-couple set (Double 3-couple longways set)
Key: Fm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume 1992, to the tune for Jacob Hall's Jig


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2000)


Formation: Longways duple minor, or triple
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: James R. Morrison, 24 Early American Country Dances for 1976


Formation: Square of Trios
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston 1791


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho Twelve Country Dances.1779


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Meter: 6/4
Choreography/Music: Playford 1718


Formation: Longways triple or duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Asa Willcox


Formation: Sicilian Circle.. in two concentric circles; 1st couple inside, 2nd couple outside
Key: G major, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried De Metz Herman to two tunes by Chris Dewhearst


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood January 2015 to "All in a Garden Green"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Phillipe Callens (2003) to Silver Birches by Geoff Mendham (2003)


Formation: duple minor 1's impoper
Key: D/A, Meter: revars 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe (2017) to "Trip to Mayne" by Karen McIvor (2011)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1757


Formation: 3 couples in a circle
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography: John Sweeney; Tune: Lindsey Sterling


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: E minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and Music (2007) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: 4 couple square set
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner/Peggy Beck


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom Roby 2002 to Judy and Jim's Wedding by Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Circle for three couples
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreographed and composed by Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Toos Heesakkers to "Colored Aristocracy"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh, Selected Country Dances for 1760


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson to Sunlight Room by Dave Wiesler


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1670


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2014) to tune by Shira Kammen (2014)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Mckinley/tune by Jonathan Jensen, 2014


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Longways duple, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: David Macemon, 2016 Tune: Ruth McLain, 2016


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreographed and composed by Elizabeth Goossen


Formation: Duple minor longways – Reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Soet roosie root’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Duple minor longways
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer, 2023; Music: “Bruce Hamilton’s Broomstick” by Dave Marcus


Formation: Square
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Carolyn and Maurice Dunnett (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1702, interpretaton by Pat Shaw 1968


Formation: 3 couple longways set - Reel
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1962)


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to tune by Rachel Bell.


Formation: Couple mixer
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Michael Barraclaugh, c. 1980's


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1765


Formation: DupleMinorLongways
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2016) Tune: March for Fred by Dave Bartley (2016)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D minor, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner, 2020; Music by Rebecca King


Formation: 3 couple longways
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Graham Foster 2015


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh, reconstructed by Jacqueline Schwab, 1987


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (2010)


Formation: Dolphin hey
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: David Edgar, 2013; tune by Rebecca King.


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2019)


Formation: Square
Key: A major, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume, 2006; music Jonathan Jensen, 2002


Formation: One couple shortways
Meter: 3/8
Choreography/Music: Val Medve, November 2020


Formation: 5 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume 1989


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2016) to the tune Tennessee Dawn by Jonathan Jensen.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Victor Skowronski


Formation: 4 couple longways, improper
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2000) to Courante by M.Praetorius c. 1612


Formation: 3 couples in a progressive long set
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2002) to Hagley Assembly bv Terry Willetts


Formation: Longways duple minor proper
Key: C, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (copyright: January 23, 2019; final revision: February 3, 2020), to the tune "The Gale," by Susan Conger ((c) 1997).


Formation: 2 couples circle
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: 3 couple Longways Set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Susan and Tom Amesse (2014) to "Having Fun" by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 5 couple Longways Set – Jig
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Circle mixer
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Don and Diane Bell (2017) to a variation of "Over the Water to Charlie"


Formation: Double Sicilian Circle
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: John Wood (2005) to Wakefield Hunt, 1779


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em / D/Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2011)


Formation: Duple Minor Longways
Key: A Major, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus and Alex Bradley (2024); tune is Bells in Watertown by Dave Wiesler (2014)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Jenny Beer (2018)to "Rose by the Door: by Andrea Hoag (1985)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Tune: "Dancing through the Decades" by Rachel Bell. Dance by Susan Kevra 2109des by 2019


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (1992)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Cm, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett to “To Ayre is Purcell” by Shira Kammen 2009t, published in Impropriety Vol. IV


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sudbury collection, 1750, interpretation K. and D. Wright, 1984


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston 1718; interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Bernard Bentley (Falibroome IV Collection (1971)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson, Twenty Four Country Dances, 1777


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner to a tune by Anita Anderson.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bride's "Favourite Collection of Two Hundred Country Dances". 1775


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman (2000) to Hornpipe by Henry Purcell (1658)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel(2005) to Lamp of the River by Dave Wiesler


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman/Henry Purcell


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A minor, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett (2008) to Flaxley Green Dance (Traditional English), published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: A minor, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2005) to The Wishing Well(trad.Irish slip jig), published in Impropriety Vol. II


Formation: Longways trios
Choreography/Music: Christian Länger, Terpsichore, 1824;Reconstructed by E.Solenikova


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to the tune The Last New Vagaries The Dancing Master. 1701


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Walsh, 24 New Country Dances for the year 1714)reconstructed by Phillipe Callens


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2012)/Twelfth Eve, PLayford 1702


Formation: 4 couple set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "Leptaena Waltz" by Miranda Arana


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Ignatius Sancho; Twelve Country Dances for the year 1779; duple minor interpretation by Bob Olson


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Cahusac 1794


Formation: Sicilian Circle
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2018)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Robert Jamison (2008)


Formation: Triple Minor
Key: C Major, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2022) and music (2008) by Robert Jamison


Formation: 3 Couple Longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to Drop Me Off in Harlem by Duke Ellington


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Major, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2022) and music (2008) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1728


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Christine Feyerabend (2000)


Formation: Longways 4-couple set; couples 1 & 3 improper
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman, 2023; Tune is "Well Fed Dragons", by Dave Wiesler (2017)


Formation: 2 couples longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brian Wedgbury


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston, 1794


Formation: 3 couple longways; secord couple improper
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1959)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1728


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to Voyage de la Diabline by Rachel Bell


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kate Riley (1956)


Formation: Couples in a circle facing line of dance
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood May 2013


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: B Minor, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2024); tune is by John Whelan (1985)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Bb, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: W. Pearson, 1709


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2015)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Playford 1718, reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (unpublished)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2021); tune is Branle de la Torch


Formation: 2 couples longways
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2000) to his variation of Kemp's Jig (Anon.


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: A mixolydian, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2013); tune The King's Reel (traditional)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel, 2018/Dave Wiesler


Formation: Siciilian Circle
Key: D, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2005) to The Foxhunter's (trad);published in Impropriety Vol. 1 and modification for children


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Em, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Preston, 1793


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Johnson c. 1750; Interp. Callens 2004


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Donald Bell to "Ding Dong Merrily" (orinigal tune: ‘Branle l'officiel' from Thoinot Arbeau, Orchesographie,1589


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Don & Diane Bell (2019)


Formation: Triad
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe to Corelli's Maggot


Formation: Round set for five couples, numbered anticlockwise
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to ‘Ag Hemel wat sal ik’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(1999/Mr Warwick's Mask (Anon.)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Dancing Master 1728


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ron Coxall (2002) to Midnight Mororings by Heather Bexon (1998)


Formation: 3 couple circle
Key: Bm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2003)/Tourner á Trois by Paul Machlis


Formation: Square set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Keith Wood February 2014 to 4x32 bar reels, esp. The Flowers of Autumn


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: F#m, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography: Margaret & Jeff Bary, 2021; Tune: Rachel Bell


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Mike Parker to La Serenissama by Loreena McKennitt


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Mike Richardson, 1998. to 'My Cape Breton Home' by Jerry Holland


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Susan Kevra to tune by Rachel Bell


Formation: G
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Twenty Year's Waltz (with Fried's commentary)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: F, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2008) to Maxwell's Rant


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1686


Formation: Four–couple Square Set
Meter: Waltz
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (1956) set to Twickenham Ferry by Theo. Marzials


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Dan Blim (2024), to "Last Light" by Ben Schreiber


Formation: Double circle
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: Wil van den Berg (unattributed variant)


Formation: 3-couple longways
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Sweeney


Formation: 4 couple longways
Choreography/Music: Siôn Andreas o Wynedd (Ian A. Engle)to Barbarini's Tammbourine


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1695; Three 3-couple variation by Martha Kent


Formation: 2 couples longways
Key: D, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Dave Ricker to Mount Hills (Playford 1721)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, Improper
Key: A Minor, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2023) and Music (2008) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: 4 couple longways set; 1s and 3s improper
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson to the tune Tom Kruskal's by Amelia Mason and Emily Troll


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Thomas Wilson, The Treasures of Terpsichore; or, A Companion for the ball-Room. - 1809


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2009) to Doctor Who Pirate Jig by Martha Stokely (2006)


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume (1986)


Formation: Square set for 4 couples – Reel
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw


Formation: 4 couple longway
Choreography/Music: Claire Kaley to the tune "Wolstonbury" by Steve Hunt.


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am or D, Meter: 3/2 or 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Fm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 see 'Dance Instrucion" above


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Steve Sargent to a tune by Pete Sutherland


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Dm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green (2009, updated 20152 to "Bennett" by Maro Avakian (1999).


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Eminor, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2008)


Formation: Triple minor longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett (2014) to Incunabula by Dave Bartley (2004)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1966 DM I: 6a-18; Walsh 1718-1760


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/2 and 4/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel/Dave Wiesler


Formation: Four couple Square
Choreography/Music: Cécile Laye


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Phillippe Callens


Formation: 4 couple longways set; 1's and 3's improper
Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume


Formation: 3C LW
Choreography/Music: Antony Heywood


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005) to Antonio Vivaldi and Van Kaynor


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1712


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Samuel James Button and John Whitaker, Dances, Reels & Waltzes. #18 (1813)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford c.1698; and reconstructed by Christine Helwig


Formation: 3 couple set
Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1783


Formation: 4 couple longways Becket
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman(1992/Year of Jubilo, Trad.


Formation: Triple minor longways, triple progression
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1779 with a reconstruction by Tom Bood (1984)


Formation: Longways Duple Minor, Improper
Key: F Major, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography (2022) and Music (2008) by Robert E. Jamison


Formation: Sicillian Circle of Trios
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw 1963 alternative tune: "Wardpark by Joan Gilbert


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Charles Bolton reconstruction (Retreads 6. c.1990) of Walton Abbey(1698)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Judi Morningstar


Formation: Duple Minor Longways, improper
Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Beverly Francis to "Waltzing with You" by Molly Mason


Formation: 4 couple longways square
Choreography/Music: unknown New Zealand choreographer


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running (2010)


Formation: Siciilian Circle
Key: D, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw (c.1966) to Caerdroea Welsh trad.


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw,First version and Second version 1971


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs, set to the 16th century ballad, Watkin's Ale.


Formation: 4 Couple Longways, 2 and 4 impoper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Hilary Herbert, in Hilary's Humours 2, 1997


Formation: Lonways duple minor improper; Starts w/ long wavy lines, gents facing out
Key: A, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green (2013) to "Wheat" by Martha Edwards


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson (2016) to the tune of Mundesse (Playford 1651)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Button & Whittaker 1810


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D mixolydian, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson(2015) to 'Welcome Home, My Dearie' from David Johnson's Scottish Fiddle Music in the 18th Century.


Formation: Triple minor longways
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett to The Last Mile by Larry Unger, Michelle Levy, Kyle Hardman, Ken Blackwood, and Bob Anholt (2009), published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways triple minor
Choreography/Music: Melissa Running, 2018


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Chrystal Gallacci Jones (2008)


Formation: Longways duple minor, improper
Key: D modal, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Tom and Susan Amesse


Formation: Longways duple minor
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Olson (2016)to O’Carolan’s “Welcome”


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Nathanial Kynaston (1718), reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2002)


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Jenna Simpson, 2019; Tune "Poet Laureate," traditional


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Choreography/Music: DM1(12th edition) 1703 ; variations Frank Vam Cleef's interpretation c, 1981; Burtukova Svetlana and Morus Stratalatov; A Simons Kentish Hops and Czeck and Louisiana var see 'Dance I


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Ellie, & Chava Hall/Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways Duple Minor (originally triple minor)
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford/Young 1701-1728 (Tune from The Old Batchelor)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Joseph Pimentel (2009) to Westaire Court by Debbi Jackson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1698


Formation: 4C Becket
Key: Dm, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Philippe Callens to "Waiting for Fish by Susie Socco (1996)


Formation: 9 dancers
Choreography/Music: Chris Turner


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)/Richard's Reminderby Debbie Jackson (1998)


Formation: 4 couple square
Choreography/Music: Chrissy Davis-Camp, 2007 to When At Last by Russ Barenberg;


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Orly Krasner, CDSS News #164, 2000 Tune: A Book of Ayres Phillip Rosseter, 1601, words by Thomas Campion


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Tune and Dance by Robert Mills


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson 1791


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: Gm, Meter: 5/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1701; Interp. Pat Shaw 1960


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz (2006) to Summer Garden Jig by Charlene Thomson (2004)


Formation: Reel (2nd couples improper).
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw from Pat Shaw Collection 3, 1973


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Dm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1651 (as The Wherligig)


Formation: Longways triple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: J Walsh, J. Hare 1712 reconstructed by Andrew Shaw (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: D modal, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (2005)/Jonathan Jensen


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Em, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Peggy Roe


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Christine Robb 2017; Tune is "Ichabod's Last Ride" by Jay Edmunds


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: C, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Hazel Moir to "Bugeilio’r Gwenith Gwyn" (traditional Welsh song, 18th C.)


Formation: 5 couple circle
Key: C, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996)/Hugh O'Donnell by Carolan


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: John Walsh's Twenty-Four dances for the Year 1713. This is a reconstruction by Andrew Shaw published in Farnicle Huggy (2009)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Robert Moir; tune is traditional, "Wild Boy"


Formation: 3 couple longways set (was triple mimor)
Key: Bb, Meter: 2/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thompson's Compleat Collection of 200 Favorite Country Dances, vol.1 (London, 1757). recorded version of Contemporary Eugene Eremina-Solenikovoy


Formation: Longways duple minor Becket
Choreography/Music: Alan Goldthorpe/"Leona Tuttle" by Lary Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett (2016). Tune is "Staying In" by Paul Hutchinson (2016)


Formation: set dance, 8 couples
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Hugh Rippon


Formation: Longways trios
Choreography/Music: unknown


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green/ Dave Wiesler


Formation: 4 couple square
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Andrew Shaw 2019


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Key: D Mixolydian, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Renée Camus (2022); Tune is Wink and She'll Follow You, traditional


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: Jan Dale to First Sign of Spring by Brian Jenkins


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman (1996)/Jonathan Jensen


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Phillipe Callens (2004) to The Dove Cove by John Stapledon


Formation: Longways for eight
Key: D, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Hume


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Choreography/Music: Carl Dreher 2010


Formation: Square with an extra couple
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Wendy Crouch to Early One Morning 16th Century Ballad


Formation: 3 couple triad
Key: Em, Meter: 3/4
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman to Crossing to Ireland, a traditional Scottish melody, and O'Carolan's Captain O'Kain.


Formation: 3-couple longways set
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Alan Winston, to Mary Tabor's "Dorothea's Waltz"


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Gm, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Choreography/Music: folk-processed version of Wizard's Walk by Ruth Ungar


Formation: 5 couple longways set
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Pat Shaw to 'Ick hebbe mijne klachten’ from Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Thomas Bray 1699


Formation: Circle mixer
Key: Am, Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Fried de Metz Herman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: F, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1718


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: C, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Playford 1703


Formation: 3 couple set and triple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Loretta Holz to "East Your Oatmeal" by Charlene Thomson


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: A, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Lise Dyckman, Jim Saxe, Nancy Baugh and Alan Winston.(7/10/2012 at the Woodshed dance) to Megajig by Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston, 1711, interpretation by Andrew Shaw (2000)


Formation: 3 couple longways set, top couple improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Scott Higgs


Formation: 4 couple longways
Key: Dm, Meter: 4/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Sharon Green, tune composed by Jonathan Jensen after superstorm Sandy in 2012


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Gary Roodman


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Brook Friendly and Chris Sackett a tune by Jonathan Jensen, published in Impropriety Vol. III


Formation: Longways duple minor
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Ives 1799; Interp. Morrison 1976


Formation: Longways Duple Minor
Meter: 3/4
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Bob Green to "Ariel Julia" by Larry Unger


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: D, Meter: 3/2
Choreography/Music: John Walsh, The Complete Dancing Master ca. 1740


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: Am, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Neal ca.1726


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 3/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: David Smuckle (2016) to "Not ... So Vain" by Charlene Thomson


Formation: 3 couple longways set
Key: Bm, Meter: 9/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Kynaston 1717,reconstruction by Andrew Shaw (2002)


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1715; interpretation by Andrew Shaw


Formation: Triple minor longways
Key: G, Meter: 6/8
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Unknown, published by Mr. John Griffiths, Dancing-Master in Providence. 1788


Formation: Longways duple minor improper
Key: G, Meter: 4/4
Choreography/Music: Fried deMetz Herman, 1996. to "O Little Town of Bethlehem


Formation: Longways duple minor
Key: G, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Walsh 1715


Formation: 3 couple longways
Key: Gm, Meter: 2/2
Dance Instruction
Choreography/Music: Colin Wallace


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper
Meter: 2/4
Choreography/Music: Dan Seppeler